PUBLICATION (Student co-authors are marked*):
Eguchi, S. (2022). Asians loving Asians: Sticky rice homoeroticism and queer politics. Peter Lang.
Awarded the 2023 Book of the Year Award in GLBTQ Communication Studies Division by National Communication Association (NCA).
Awarded The 2023 Outstanding Book Award Asian/Pacific American Communication Studies Division & Caucus by National Communication Association (NCA).
Reviewed by Sugino, C. Book Review. QED: A Journal of GLBTQ Worldmaking, 10 (2), 176-179.
Reviewed by Liu, J. Book Review. Men and Masculinities.
Edited Books:
Eguchi, S., & Kwon, J. (Eds). (under contract). Routledge handbook of communication and transnationalism. Routledge.
Calafell, B. M. & Eguchi, S. (Eds). (2024). Routledge handbook of ethnicity and race in Communication. Routledge.
Atay, A., Eguchi, S., & Pindi, G. (Eds.). (2024). Transnationalizing critical intercultural communication: Legacy, relevance, and future. Peter Lang.
Eguchi, S., Calafell, B. M., & Abdi, S. (Eds.). (2020). De-Whitening intersectionality: Race, intercultural communication, and politics. Lexington Books.
Eguchi, S. & Calafell, B. M. (Eds.). (2020). Queer intercultural communication: The intersectional politics of belonging in and across differences. Rowman & Littlefield.
Awarded the 2020 Book of the Year Award in GLBTQ Communication Studies Division by National Communication Association (NCA).
Reviewed by Pérez, K. (2020). Reviewed Work: Queer Intercultural Communication: The
Intersectional Politics of Belonging in and Across Differences by Shinsuke Eguchi, Bernadette Calafell. QED: A Journal of GLBTQ Worldmaking, 7 (3), 230-232.
Reviewed by Huang, S. (2022). Queer Intercultural Communication: The Intersectional Politics of Belonging In and Across Differences. Women's Studies in Communication.
Toyosaki, S., & Eguchi, S. (Eds.). (2017). Intercultural communication in Japan: Theorizing homogenized discourse. Routledge.
Reviewed by Rintrona III, A. (2017). Intercultural communication in Japan: Theorizing homogenizing discourse (Review). Iowa Journal of Communication, 49 (2), 203-207.
Journal Editorial Works:
Eguchi, S. (2020-2023). Book Review Editor, QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking.
Special Issues/Sections/Forums Edited:
Kwon, J., & Eguchi, S. (Eds). (2023). Re-examining communication and media practices in/across queer Asia. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking, 10 (2), 1-218.
Grimes, D. S., Eguchi, S., & Calafell, B. M. (2022). Can the communication discipline critically engage with mindfulness? Western Journal of Communication, 86 (2), 215-287.
Eguchi, S. (Ed.). (2021). On the horizon: Desiring global queer and trans* studies in international and intercultural communication. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 14 (4), 275-365.
Eguchi, S. (2021). Im/possibilities of queer/trans worldmaking allies: The commodification of GLBTQ pride movement in the age of liberal capitalism. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking. 8 (2), 69-176.
McIntosh, D. M. D., & Eguchi, S. (Eds). (2020). Intercultural performance communication. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 49 (5), 395-497.
Chevrette, R., & Eguchi, S. (Eds). (2020). “We don’t see LGBTQ differences”: Cisheteronormativity and concealing phobias and irrational fears behind rhetorics of acceptance. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking, 7(1), 55-120.
Peer-Reviewed Articles in Refereed Journals:
Eguchi, S. (online first). Postracial queer romance: A close reading of Anthony Bowens and Michael Pavano’s interracial relationship in YouTube (and beyond). Journal of Communication Inquiry.
Pollard, E.,* & Eguchi, S. (online first). Messy queer rhetorics: Homonationalism and gay Asian American triangulations in Hulu’s Fire Island. Quarterly Journal of Speech.
Powell, A., Eguchi, S., & Summer, K.* (online first). Black and white, quare and queer: Reimagining interracial dating through the Sibling Rivalry podcast. Text and Performance Quarterly.
Armstrong, E.,* Roe, O.,* & Eguchi, S. (2024). Sought out, kept out: Transantagonistic, anti-queer, and racist rhetoric in liberal academia. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 110 (3), 502-512.
Nguyen, A*., Ding, Z., & Eguchi, S. (2024). Asian American transnationalism: Queer diasporic critique of Netflix’s Bling Empire. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 41(1), 51-67.
Eguchi, S., & Calafell, B. M. (2023). Queer relationalities, impossible: The Politics of homonationalism and failure in LOGO’s Fire Island. Journal of Homosexuality, 70 (1), 149-167.
Oh, D. C., & Eguchi, S. (2022). Racial privilege as a function of White supremacy and contextual advantages for Asian Americans. Communication, Culture, & Critique, 15(4), 471-478.
Awarded the 2023 Outstanding Article in Asian/Pacific American Communication Studies Division & Caucus by National Communication Association (NCA).
Eguchi, S., & Kimura, K.* (2021). Racialized im/possibilities: Intersectional queer-of-color critique on Japaneseness in Netflix’s Queer Eye: We’re in Japan! Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 14 (3), 221-239.
Jones, S.*, & Eguchi, S. (2021). Queerness, sounded: Autoethnographic aurality. Review of Communication, 21(1), 82-93.
Spieldenner, A., & Eguchi, S. (2020). A call to arms: Two queer men of color’s autoethnography of coalition politics. Cultural Studies↔Critical Methodologies, 20 (2), 134-143.
Eguchi, S. (2020). The politics of queerphobias: In the communication discipline. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking, 7(1), 60-67.
Eguchi, S. (2020). Sticky rice politics: Impossible possibilities of queerness in and across Yellow Fever and Front Cover. Women’s Studies in Communication, 43(1), 67-84.
Awarded the 2020 Outstanding Article in Asian/Pacific American Communication Studies Division & Caucus by National Communication Association (NCA).
Eguchi, S. (2019). Intersections among queerness and disability: A Case of Out at the Olympics. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking, 6(3), 127-135.
Eguchi, S. (2019). Transnational LGBTQ pride: Whiteness, health, and wellbeing in VICELAND’s Gaycation. China Media Research, 15(3), 83-92. ISSN: 1556-889X
Eguchi, S. & Long, H.* (2019). Queer relationality as family: Yas fats! yas femmes! yas Asians! Journal of Homosexuality, 66(11), 1589-1606.
Eguchi, S. & Collier, M. J. (2018). Critical intercultural mentoring and allying: A continuing struggle for change in the academy. Departures in Critical Qualitative Research, 7(2), 49-71.
Eguchi, S., Files-Thompson, N., & Calafell, B. M. (2018). Queer (of color) aesthetics: Fleeting moments of transgression in VH1’s Love & Hip-Hop: Hollywood Season 2. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 35(2), 180-193.
Eguchi, S. (2018). Layers of homonormativity in Kevin Spacey’s coming out. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking, 5(2), 98-104.
Eguchi, S., & Baig, N.* (2018). Examining embodied struggles in cultural reentry through intersectional reflexivity. Howard Journal of Communications, 29(1), 33-48.
Eguchi, S., & Ding, Z.* (2017). “Uncultural” Asian Americans in ABC’s Dr. Ken. Popular Communication, 15(4), 296-310.
Eguchi, S., & Washington, M. (2016). Race-ing queerness: Homonormative intimacies in LOGO’s DTLA. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 40(4), 408-423.
Eguchi, S., & Asante, G.* (2016). Disidentifications revisited: Queer(y)ing intercultural communication theory. Communication Theory, 26(2), 171-189.
Awarded the 2017 Outstanding Article of the Year in International and Intercultural Communication Division by National Communication Association (NCA).
Eguchi, S. & Roberts, M. N.* (2015). Gay rapping and possibilities: A quare reading of “Throw That Boy P***y.” Text and Performance Quarterly, 35(2/3), 142-157.
Awarded the 2016 Monograph of the Year Award in GLBTQ Communication Studies Division by National Communication Association (NCA).
Eguchi, S., & Spieldenner, A. (2015). The two “gaysian” junior faculty talking about experience: A collaborative autoethnography. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking, 2(3), 125-143.
Eguchi, S. (2015). Queer intercultural relationality: An autoethnography of Asian-Black (dis)connections in White gay America. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 8(1), 27-43.
Reprinted in Dreama G. Moon & Michelle A. Holling (Eds.), Race(ing) intercultural communication: Racial logics in a colorblind era (2016; pp. 27-43). New York: Routledge.
Eguchi, S. (2014). Ongoing cross-national identity transformation: Living on the queer Japan-U.S. transnational borderland. Sexuality & Culture, 18 (4), 977-993.
Eguchi, S., Calafell, B. M., & Files-Thompson, N. (2014). Intersectionality and quare theory: Fantasizing African American men’s same-sex relationships in Noah’s Arc: Jumping the Broom. Communication, Culture, & Critique, 7 (3), 371-389.
Eguchi, S. (2014). Disidentifications from the West(ern): An autoethnography of becoming an Other. Cultural Studies↔Critical Methodologies, 14 (3), 279-285.
Eguchi, S. (2013). Revisiting Asiacentricity: Toward thinking dialectically about Asian American identities and negotiation. Howard Journal of Communications, 24 (1), 95-115.
Eguchi, S., & Starosta, W. J. (2012). Negotiating the model minority image: Performative aspects of college-educated Asian American professional men. Qualitative Research Reports in Communication, 13 (1), 88-97.
Eguchi, S. (2011). Negotiating sissyphobia: A critical/ interpretive analysis of one ‘femme’ gay Asian body in the heteronormative world. Journal of Men’s Studies, 19(1), 37-56.
Eguchi, S. (2011). Cross-national identity transformation: Becoming a gay ‘Asian American’ man. Sexuality & Culture, 15(1), 19-40.
Eguchi, S. (2009). Negotiating hegemonic masculinity: The rhetorical strategy of ‘straight-acting’ among gay men. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 38(3), 193-209.
Eguchi, S. (2006). Social and internalized homophobia: How can we improve the quality of communication? Review of Communication, 6 (4), 348-357.
Invited Articles in Refereed Journals:
Kwon, J., & Eguchi, S. (2023). Introduction: Re-examining communication and media practices in/across queer Asia. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking 10 (2), 1-7.
Grimes, D. S., Eguchi, S., & Calafell, B. M. (2022). Can the communication discipline critically engage with mindfulness? Western Journal of Communication, 86 (2), 215-223.
Eguchi, S. (2021). On the horizon: Desiring global queer and trans* studies in international and intercultural communication. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 14 (4), 275-283.
Eguchi, S. (2021). Im/possibilities of queer/trans worldmaking allies: The commodification of GLBTQ pride movement in the age of liberal capitalism. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking 8(2), 69-74.
Eguchi, S. (2021). What is “Queer Asia?”: A struggling pathway to globalizing queer studies in communication. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 18 (2), 196-203.
McIntosh, D. M. D., & Eguchi, S. (2020). The troubled past, present disjunctures, and possible futures: Intercultural performance communication. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 49 (5), 395-409.
Eguchi, S. (2020). A transnational queer of color vision: Toward the “future” of autoethnography. Journal of Autoethnography, 1(3), 309-314.
Eguchi, S. (2020). Japan’s masculinist politics: An intersectional queer critique of actor Narimiya Hiroki’s retirement from the entertainment industry. Women & Language, 43(2), 317-324.
A Conference Proceeding of Keynote Speech from the 2019’s Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender (OSCLG) in Cincinnati, OH.
Chevrette, R., & Eguchi, S. (2020). Introduction: “We don’t see LGBTQ differences”: Cisheteronormativity and concealing phobias and irrational fears behind rhetorics of acceptance. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking, 7(1), 55-60.
Eguchi, S. (2016). The Orlando Pulse massacre: A transnational Japanese queer response. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking, 3(3), 164-167.
Book Chapters:
Kimura, K., & Eguchi, S. (2024). Queer of color approaches to Critical Cultural Media Studies. In S. Ramasubramanian & O. Banjo (Eds.), Handbook of Media and Social Justice (pp.70-77). Oxford University Press.
Eguchi, S. (2024). Studying AsiaPacifiQueer communication: Autoethnographic critique of Japanese queer reimagining(s) of Hawai’i. In T. K. Nakayama & R. T. Halualani (Eds.), Handbook of Critical Intercultural Communication (2nd ed., pp.211-226). Wiley-Blackwell.
Oloruntobi, T.*, Nguyen, A.*, & Eguchi, S. (2024). Interrogating transnationalities: Collaborative auto/ethnography of becoming and being “international” in the U.S. American academy. In A. Atay, S. Eguchi, & G. Pindi, Transnationalizing critical
intercultural communication: Legacy, relevance, and future (pp.129-153). Peter Lang.
Atay, A., Pindi, G. & Eguchi, S. (2024). Introduction: Transnational arrivals and departures: New directions in critical intercultural communication. In A. Atay, S. Eguchi, & G. Pindi, Transnationalizing critical intercultural communication: Legacy, relevance, and future (pp.1-19). Peter Lang.
Ellis, C. D. *, & Eguchi, S. (2024). Queer(er) pastures: Re-imagining futurities of racialized spatialility in/through Boogie. In B. M. Calafell & S. Eguchi, Routledge handbook of ethnicity and race in Communication (pp.153-164). Routledge.
Calafell, B. M., & Eguchi S. (2024). Introduction: The state of ethnicity and race in communication. In B. M. Calafell & S. Eguchi, Routledge handbook of ethnicity and race in Communication (pp.1-7). Routledge.
Armstrong, E. K.*, & Eguchi, S. (2023). Coming together over food: Coalitional possibilities surfacing in/through (un)healthy queerness. In P. Joy & M. Aston, Queering nutrition and dietetics: LGBTQ+ reflections on food through art (pp.46-51). Routledge.
Miller, A.*, & Eguchi, S. (2022). Fuck (gay) racism: Queer Asian American rhetorics of Abe Kim’s TikTok. In J. Rhode & J. Alexander (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of queer rhetoric (pp.250-257). Routledge.
Eguchi, S. (2021). Queer fantasy: A memory of Michael Sam’s big gay kiss. In A. Atay, Y-W. Chen, & A. Gonzalez (Eds.), Intercultural memories: Contesting places, spaces, and Stories (pp.115-133). Peter Lang.
Eguchi, S. (2021). Gaysian fabulosity: Quare(ing) the normal and ordinary. In M. Niles Goins, J.F. McAllister, & B. K. Alexander (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of gender and communication (pp. 45-58). Routledge.
Eguchi, S. (2020). Queer(ing) spaces: Sexualities as critical intersections among health and intercultural communication. In A. Spieldenner & S. Toyosaki (Eds.), Intercultural health communication (pp.39-56). Peter Lang.
Calafell, B. M., Eguchi, S., & Abdi, S. (2020). Introduction: De-whitening intersectionality in intercultural communication. In S. Eguchi, B. M. Calafell, & Abdi, S (Eds), De-Whitening Intersectionality: Race, Intercultural Communication, and Politics (pp.xvii-xxvii). Lexington Press.
Calafell, B. M., & Eguchi, S. (2020). Are we queer yet?: Queerness on the horizon in academia. In A. Johnson & B. LeMaster (Eds.), Gender futurity, intersectional autoethnography: Embodied theorizing from the margins (pp. 69-84). Routledge.
Eguchi, S. (2020). Queer loneliness, queer hopefulness: Toward restaging the intersectionality of gay + Asian/American from the Southwest. In J. G. Smith & C-S. Han (Eds.), Home and community for queer men of color: The intersection of race and sexuality (pp.107-122). Rowman & Littlefield.
Eguchi, S., & Calafell, B. M. (2020). Introduction: Reorienting queer intercultural communication. In S. Eguchi & B. M. Calafell (Eds.), Queer intercultural communication: The intersectional politics of belonging in and across differences (pp.1-16). Rowman & Littlefield.
Eguchi, S., Jones, S.*, Long, H. R.*, & Zariñana, A*. (2020). Closing thoughts: The future of queer intercultural communication. In S. Eguchi & B. M. Calafell (Eds.), Queer intercultural communication: The intersectional politics of belonging in and across differences (pp.267-280). Rowman & Littlefield.
Eguchi, S. (2019). Queerness as strategic whiteness: A queer Asian American critique of Peter Le. In D. M. D. McIntosh, D. G. Moon, & T. K. Nakayama (Eds.), Interrogating communicative power of whiteness (pp. 29-44). Routledge.
Eguchi, S. (2017). Japanese male-queer femininity: An autoethnographic reflection on Matsuko Deluxe as an onē-kei talent. In S. Toyosaki & S. Eguchi (Eds.), Intercultural communication in Japan: Theorizing homogenized discourse (pp. 73- 85). Routledge.
Toyosaki, S., & Eguchi, S. (2017). Powerful uncertainty for the future of Japan’s cultural diversity: Theorizing Japanese homogenizing discourses. In S. Toyosaki & S. Eguchi (Eds.), Intercultural communication in Japan: Theorizing homogenized discourse (pp. 1-23). Routledge.
Eguchi, S. (2016). Queer foreignness and intersectionality: A case for “doing” sexual and cultural mixing and mingling across borders. In J. Manning & C. Noland (Eds.), Contemporary studies of sexuality & communication: Theory and practice (pp. 291-304). Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.
Eguchi, S. (2016). “But I ain’t your geisha!”:(Re)Framing the ‘femme’ gay Asian male body in the global context. In K. Sorrells & S. Sekimoto (Eds.), Globalizing intercultural communication: A reader (pp.77-83). Sage.
Eguchi, S. (2014). Coming in/out of the closet: Living in-between singlehood and relationship(s) through a gay Asian body. In S. Howard (Ed.), Critical articulations of race, gender, and sexual orientation (pp. 5-21). Lexington Press.
Eguchi, S. (2018). Rusty Barrett, from drag queens to leathermen: Language, gender, and gay male subcultures. American Ethnologist: Journal of The American Ethnological Society, 45(2), 297-298.
Eguchi, S. (2017). C. Winter Han, Geisha of a different kind: Race and sexuality in gaysian America. Social Forces, 95(4), e42.
Eguchi, S. (2016). Jeffery Q. McCune, Jr., Sexual discretion: Black masculinity and the politics of passing. Text and Performance Quarterly, 36(2/3), 180-182.
Eguchi, S. (2015). Katsuhiko Suganuma, Contact moments: The politics of intercultural desire in Japanese male-queer cultures. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking, 2(2), 215-217.
Eguchi, S. (2012). Gender and queer as multicultural discourses. Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 7(3), 277-282.
Encyclopedia Entries:
Eguchi, S. (2022). Cultural production of queer Asia. In I. N. West (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Queer Studies and Communication. Oxford University Press.
Eguchi, S. (2019). Queer intercultural communication. In P. Moy (Ed.), Oxford bibliographies in communication. Oxford University Press.
Eguchi, S. (2018). Sexual orientation and intercultural communication. In Y. Y. Kim & K. McKay-Semmler (Eds.), International encyclopedia of intercultural communication (pp. 1775-1780). Wiley-Blackwell.